
One year ago the Quarantine Cruise was born as a way to enjoy a glimpse of normalcy during a time of heightened abnormality. Bringing a timeless automotive activity into a new light and adding an edge. A cruise structured to be welcome to all, yet including a level of surprise. To be in the know, you had to be in the know. The dates changed each month along with the start and end locations. Directions for the cruise dropped in the descriptions on the Instagram post. An added element of anticipation that only increased the cool factor. 


Out of the fourteen cruises that were hosted this year I had the opportunity to make it to two of them. Experiencing Q8 back in September, it was a requirement to get back the coast for another cruise. Straight opportunity resided in the hosting parking lots. Clubs such as the TRI-FIVE Crew (@trifive_crew) come in attendance with force. The uniqueness lying in the fact that each was in the exact same location at the exact same time. An opportunity to drool over them while physically standing over them. As if that wasn’t enough of a treat, when the time comes to move out from the starting location the cars then begin to truly show off. Engines and exhausts institute the sounds of pure happiness, commencing the rolling art show lining the streets of Huntington Beach. 


The first year of existence the Quarantine Cruise has created a presence in automotive car culture. Pulling many of these garage kept cars out onto the streets to be enjoyed and appreciated to the point of creating a fandom for many of the regulars that attend the cruise. Stoking the fire of community and friendships for like minded car people. It has been exciting to see a hand of friendship and respect being held out between the cruise and the City of Huntington Beach as well. 


Every Tuesday @qruisinpch streams a live on Instagram hosted by one of the founding members that features a hangout type of interview with guests ranging from automotive brands to participants in the cruises to content creators.  The insight each week has been fascinating. All the topics centered around the cruise but get into more of the nitty gritty of their particular part in the automotive world. Individuals showcasing specific aspects of their unique builds as they cheers with a drink in hand.


Shops being toured and envied while comments from those watching flood the feed with engagement on the topics discussed. Simply having the ability to put a face and personality to these online handles heightens that relationship with the automotive community. 


Following the Quarantine Cruise for the better part of the year watching their growth has been exciting. A positive in a time that has been trying for many, while bringing new relationships and connections to the automotive community. 

